Teen Travel and Mother Daughter Trips with Tamara Gruber, We3Travel


tamara gruber we3travel
Tamara Gruber on Teen Travel

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Show Notes: About Tamara Gruber

Have you ever wondered or feared what it’s like to travel with a teen?

Since we’ve just entered this phase I’ve bought in Tamara Gruber from We3Travel to share her tips. I’ve long admired how she has made family travel a focus of her life especially with her mother daughter trips with her teen daughter, Hannah.

Tamara shows us how travel can evolve as your family life does.

Tamara is a marketing professional, travel writer and podcaster. In 2013 she launched We3Travel.com to share her passion for family travel and her detailed trip itineraries and tips to help make planning a family vacation quicker and easier.

Since 2016, she has also been sharing her love of travel as co-host of the Vacation Mavens podcast, offering destination information and tips to get you out the door.

As the mom of a teen, she recognizes the need for women in their midlife to take time for themselves and recently launched YourTimetoFly.com, a travel and lifestyle website for women in their 40s and 50s.

We discuss:

  • How Tamara fits travel in to a non-full time travel lifestyle balancing school and work and extracurricular activities
  • The challenges of high school impacting travel with tips on how to make it work
  • Things to be aware of with teen travel
  • Bringing tin local travel into the experience
  • Does travel planning help make teen travel easier and smoother?
  • Tips for planning and helpful apps
  • The value of maps to help
  • The value of mother daughter trip and planning shoulder to shoulder activities
  • The pressure of always on social media and how solo parent child trips helps alleviate that
  • Taking a college road trip
  • The mixed emotions of the empty nesters stage
  • Some of her best travel experiences
  • Why certain family adventures are the most memorable
  • How teen travel is different and a few tips to make it work

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Watch the video of the podcast

For those who may prefer watching a video of us podcasting, we filmed that for you too, which you’ll find on YouTube each week.

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