Why Osmo Games Are Great for Kids AND Parents Who Homeschool


Sponsored by PlayOsmo.com

Playing OSMO
Savannah loves the Osmo games

First, I want to kick off this post by saying that Osmo sponsored this post (and they gave me the code YTRAVEL20 for all of you to get 20% off all their products on PlayOsmo.com to brighten your summer even more – just FYI).

Summer is here, and the kids are stoked to be free from the textbooks. Parents, after the year (or more) of remote learning, I know you are too! 

I’m sure you’re racing to the beach, the neighborhood pool, or to the river with tube floats in tow for outside connectedness and relaxing fun. 

However, it won’t be long before the days get harder to fill, the kids start getting a little bored, you’ll need a break, and the concern will start setting in that they’ll forget everything they learned for the past year and won’t be ready to return to the classroom.

All the cool OSMO games
Creative fun for kids

As a previous teacher, I know how wide that learning gap can grow over the summer. It’s a good idea that amongst the summer fun, you help your kids to stay connected to learning as well. 

That doesn’t mean boring worksheets and rote learning. You can keep them in the closet. I’ve discovered the perfect hands-on learning tool that will make your kids think they are just having fun, rather than getting an education.

So much fun playing OSMO
One of her favorite games

It’s the Osmo learning platform and we’re working in partnership with Osmo to test it and share it with you. I’m testing it not just as a mother who homeschools, but also as a previous elementary school teacher with 15 years’ experience so I have an insider knowledge on the value of educational tools and programs. 

Savannah and I had a fun afternoon playing with the Osmo games. It’s the most I’ve seen her absorbed in this kind of activity and it has ignited a curiosity and passion in her for art, city explorations, and coding music (something I would never have the skills to teach her.) 

Now let’s dive into what Osmo is, the different games you can experience, and why it’s so beneficial for your family. 

What is Osmo?


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