From Full time Travel to Full time Daily Podcasting with Gary Arndt


travel daily podcast gary arndt
Gary Arndt on daily podcasting and more

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Show Notes: About Gary Arndt

We’re big proponents of allowing travel to evolve with your lifestyle. There is no set way to do it.

You define the rules of how it best suits your values, your dreams, and your lifestyle choices.

Gary Arndt shows us how travel has evolved for him from being a 9 year nomad constantly traveling to living the settled life without travel being the focus of it.

In 2007, Gary sold his house in exchange for nearly a decade of daily adventures around the world, sharing his experiences on his blog, Everything Everywhere. He quickly became one of the biggest and most well known blogs in the world, especially noted for his photography which has won numerous awards.

But, not just in travel, the past year’s pandemic has caused him to take a huge pivot in business.

With the loss of his business literally overnight, Gary switched to pursing a long term itch he had to create the Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast.

In it he shares and explores interesting curiosities and questions about life such as Who was the Fifth Beatle, Who is the most dominating athlete of all time, Where does the best thing since sliced bread come from? and What happened to Harold Holt, the disappearing Australian Prime Minister?

His podcast has exploded in growth and in under a year has reached 100,000 downloads per month.

We discuss:

  • The impact of long term travel burnout and signs you’re burned out
  • The challenges of long term travel
  • Being wrapped up in the travel identity
  • The nomads mantra for decluttering
  • The impact of the pandemic on Gary’s travel business (he hasn’t even taken his camera out of his bag in the past 12 months!)
  • How losing his travel business overnight caused him to completely pivot into
  • Travel for the immediate future and how vaccinations don’t necessary mean recover
  • The Daily Podcast – it’s concept, evolution and (successful) business model
  • How Tik Tok has been a surprising Podcast audience
  • How a daily podcast can bring in the cash
  • How the travel blogging space has changed
  • Why you can’t have the rug pulled out form under you with podcasting
  • The impossibility of choosing your favorites in the world

That’s life – it throws curveballs at you and you have to decide what to do it


Topics mentioned in Podcast

Watch the video of the podcast

For those who may prefer watching a video of us podcasting, we filmed that for you too, which you’ll find on YouTube each week.

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